:D hehehe

:D hehehe

Thursday, October 13, 2011


alright i have desided 2 meet new friend randomly this is how we became friends ok so soem idiot girl was begging meh 2 porp her and saying shut up when i havent even sayed a thing i was jus siting there in a corner   >.< so anyway then she poofs some other girl comes up starts begging meh for porp then like 50 people come i start saying random stuff like "KOKONATTSU"or"COCONUT" or i also sayed "RAWR I POUNCE ON U THEN EAT UR BRAINS" ok i still have no idea why they thought that was funny anyway then some creeper comes and starts kissing the girl who was askin meh for porp and laughed at meh alot and he keept saying "can u be my gf" and i was like "SHOOOO MONKEY BUTT SHOO SHE DUN LIKE U CAUSE UR RUNING ARROUND NAKED KISSING PEOPLE SHOOOO WEIRDO"then the weirdest thing that happens 2 meh like every freakin day happend!!!!!again ik gawd!!!HE TRYED 2 KISS MEH JUS LIKE CREEPY MEANY MAN DID IN OOKU and so i poofed 2 random persons room it happend 2 be her room so i sat on couch then she came in cryed like 50 times then gave meh lots off foods then i gave her like 3 foods then we talked about the creeper and laughed then she sayed she sowwy for begging for porps then joy-chn came in then um idk what i sayed anyway then i posted this so u can gladly read it because thats what i do make u slightly less bored everyday with my lil posts so u can read about my crazy insane weird creepy life filled with hobos rhapests old people and my cat chewing on my keybored hope u likey bai bai end of blog post P.S I WHANA HUG THE PUFFERS BUT I WILL NEVER TELL ANYONE ELSE!!!:3 IF U ARE PUFFERS STOP READING THIS RIGHT FREAKIN NOW CAUSE I DUN WHANT U TO :O

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