:D hehehe

:D hehehe

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


ok so in my weird dream some freakin hobo came and asked my cat on a date i was like O.O ok so then the cat ate the hobo and the hobo peed in the cats mouth then um i watched soem youtube video about soem dumb show i dun member what it was so then i woke up and i watched soem youtube videos then i found the 1 from my dream O.O ik creepy right my dream youtube video was real o.O the same vid seriously o.o so weird anyway then i told puffy kiddo that i whanted a burito and he sayed "nuuuuuuu its my burito" and i was like "WHAAAAAAAYYYYY" and he started crying and i was like "OMG U BRAT SHUSH UR TINY FACE U KIDDO AND YEH U OLD KIDDO :O"and he was like "that dosent even make any sense" and so i was thinking shut up shush shush hush u anoy meh kiddo u anoy meh and so he left then i got on pico again and talked 2 ol man jay yeh he ish my friend :D so then jay sayed soemthing and i sayed soemthing then i listened 2 some shrillex music on youtube again then i saw a bug and then i um i dont remember what i did affter that this is random weird post till i think of soemthing important 2 post lol anyway then ol man jay gave meh many foods then i sayed oeeeey and talked 2 taco about teh  puffy kiddo he has a fuzzy head thats why i call him puffy he ish liek 7 o.o he says anyway i dun belive him i bet he ish like 19 :O so anyway then i told emzi chico dat the blog thing wasent working and she helped meh ty emzi chico :3 so then um i ate something then i saw xlemons boyfriend "my dinner" XD anyway he asked meh about white gloves then i sayed 2 him "i seen many white gloves what u mean" and he changed his closet and put on soem lil black gloves then i sayed "i can go look for em if u whant" and he sayed "nah" and i sayed "ok " then i sayed something else i deun member so then um i desided 2 go loook anyway i dident find em then um..uhh...hm...then i came back 2 ooku *OOKU ISH MY HOUSE DUN YELL AT MEH PLEASE*so he was still there i sayed i couldent find em but i found some that looked like it and they were girl only item so um soemthing something something um i yelled at a noober for a burito then i let out like 50 balloons in newb park and so yeh...thats it D: *STOP STAREING AT MEH THATS ALL I HAVE 2 SAY OK OK OK THATS ALL IM DRAWING SOEMTHING SO BYE FOR NOW PEOPLES ;3

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